Tuesday, March 25, 2008

i got you, babe.

my own little kitty version of Bonnie & Clyde...

yeah, they look sweet and innocent now...but just wait...nothin' but trouble i tell ya!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

happy easter!

Hey, wasn't it just Halloween?

So I'm selling consignment pieces in a holistic-y 'mind, body, spirit' store here in the Chicagoland area. Fun stuff, huh? Yeah, I thought so, too! Hehe...the only problem is that the jewelry I sell there is a bit different than what I sell in my shop on Etsy. More gemstones rather than vintage lucite & glass...finer metals rather than the brass & copper I so love...higher priced (not only on the actual finished product, but on the supplies needed for said finished product *gasp!*) So a lot of my attention has been there lately...

But somewhere in the midst of the crazy gold-filled, sterling silver world I've been tossed into, I've FINALLY put some time aside to focus on some new creations for the shop...yay!


And yes, lol, some gemstones slipped into the mix. Gorgeous Rainbow Moonstone....soooooo super pretty. But hey, it was inevidable, right?!?!

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


So needless to say, I've been off in my own little world lately. Busy as can be...

But I stole a few minutes today, and a huge cup of tea, and escaped to my little nook to peruse Etsy for a bit.

...ah, bliss...

So anyway, when I got around to peeking into my own shop for a minute, I realized OHMYGOSH...I surpassed the 100 items sold milestone! woohoo!

I laughed, I cried, I danced...I hugged my dog ;)

When the heck did that happen? And how did I not notice how close I was? I have to say, of course, that I'm absolutely thrilled...and yeah, kinda proud of myself, lol. I'm super happy and incredibly motivated...200 sales, here I come!


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Rare Bird Finds...and other such exciting news

First off...let me apologize for becoming an absentee blogger! Did ya ever just need a wee little break? Well, I certainly did...and am feeling much MUCH better for it ;)

So now, I'm getting back in the swing of things (thankfully) and new earrings are finally getting made...

Fun, huh? Yeah...I thought so, too! They're my little ode to summertime...ah, summer.

I should also mention that I'm being featured as the 'Deal of the Day' over at Rare Bird Finds! How exciting is that?!?! Now, you may be thinking to yourself...'oh, that's cool. ummm, errr, ugh, but what does that mean for me?'

Well, if you pop on over to their site, you'll find that for the entire day (until 11:59pm PST), customers are entitled to 30% off in my shop! On anything? Yes, anything!

Feel like shopping? Go for it! Just mention 'Rare Bird Finds' in the notes to seller box and wait for a revised invoice. Don't want to wait? Feel free to pay right away and I'll send a refund (via Paypal) ASAP! Neither of those options floatin' your boat? Then simply contact me prior to ordering and let me know what earrings you're desperately longing for...and I'll revise the item price for ya! All these options, I know...but still pretty darn simple ;)

Well, it's a nice almost spring-like day outside...so I'm gonna go and enjoy it! Have fun, kiddies ;)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


So I was wandering around Etsy...treasury hunting...when I saw one of those coveted little gold stars...I'm in a treasury! yaaaaaaay!

It's all about Etsy and Indiepublic (hence the title Etsy + Indiepublic) and showcases the crazy talent of some very awesome Etsy artists...and then there are my earrings, smack dab in the middle! (well, middle and left a bit, lol)

Pretty neat, huh?

Butterfly Mosaics was the genius behind this very lovely treasury...she has an incredibly cute shop on Etsy herself...you absolutely HAVE to check out her button bouquets!

A very nice surprise on this way too cold Tuesday evening ;)

Spring Cleaning

Time to spruce the place up a bit...

Ok, so I redecorated a bit. Not quite sure what I think of things. Are the walls to busy? Is three columns one column too many? Too much color? Hmmm...not sure what I think of my little bloggy creation. Things may be changed again soon...just not sure.

Anyway, I'm in a spring cleaning frenzy! Cleaning up my workspace...throwing out old papers and bills that have been lining my floor...destashing some beads in the shop...out with the old & in with the new, right? right!

Well, wish me luck ;)

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Time for some color therapy ♥

Indulging in a fit of Friday night boredom, I found myself aimlessly wandering around the internet...tea in hand, dog in lap. Well, I stumbled upon (yes, quite literally stumbled) a great blog post about the meanings of color. So I took one of my favorite (and most often used) colors...PINK...and checked out what it meant...

♥ PINK ♥

Pink is the color of universal love. Pink is a quiet color. Lovers of beauty favor pink. A pink carnation means “I will never forget you”.
Pink is a combination of red and white. The quality of energy in pink is determined by how much red is present. White is the potential for fullness, while red helps you to achieve that potential. Pink combines these energies. Shades of deep pink, such as magenta, are effective in neutralizing disorder and violence. Some prisons use limited deep pink tones to diffuse aggressive behaviour.Pink provides feelings of caring, tenderness, self-worth and love, acceptance, calm feelings, to neutralize disorder, relaxation, acceptance, contentment.Pretty cool, huh? I always knew there was a good reason to like pink! I mean aside from being obnoxiously girly... The best things in life truly are pink ;P

Wanna check out your own favorite color? Check out the original post here!